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02. Delivering more childcare places







Affordable. Essential. Deliverable.

Delivering more childcare places

With thousands of children waiting on childcare spaces it is critical that the capacity of the sector is expanded.

Sinn Féin would not simply reduce the cost of childcare. We will also work to increase capacity in the sector, so that parents can not only afford childcare but so that they can actually access childcare. We would expand capacity by addressing the crisis in recruitment and retention, extending supports to childminders, increasing and reforming Core Funding, through promotion of the social enterprise model and by extending benefits for parents to cover the first year of a child’s life.

Workers and Wages

The recruitment and retention crisis in the sector is one of the main reasons for the lack of capacity, and this is largely due to low wages.

Wages in the sector are not reflective of the vital role that Early Years Educators have in our society and economy. Hourly rates are close to minimum wage and with little recognition for obtaining advanced qualifications.

Sinn Féin would provide public funding of €53.8 million to pay for an increase to the hourly wage of childcare workers of €1.50 initially. This funding would be ring-fenced for wages. Our five-year expenditure plan also makes further provision to fund the outcome of sectoral negotiations on pay increases over the subsequent years of our term of Government.

These wage increases would make it more viable for childcare workers to remain in the sector and would also attract new staff. This would allow for increased capacity which is desperately needed to provide affordable and quality childcare services.

In Government, Sinn Féin would initiate a review into the current pathways into Early Years to ensure those with a passion for Early Years and who work well with children are not locked out of the sector due to barriers to education.


There is also potential to increase the capacity of the childcare sector by extending subsidies to Childminders.

It has been highlighted by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) that the main effect of the current subsidy structure has been a shift of demand from childminders and other informal childcare providers to creches, i.e. formal childcare providers. This is despite a preference of parents in Ireland for informal childcare.

Therefore, Sinn Féin propose to make Childminders eligible for delivery of our €10 a day childcare scheme. We would work with stakeholders in the sector, including the Regulator Tusla, to ensure this process is accelerated and the right balance between practicality and health and safety of children is struck.

The addition of Childminders would lessen the pressure on crèches and could free up capacity in the centre-based care sector as a result.

Core Funding

Core Funding is a stream of funding that was created to improve the capacity in the childcare sector through supporting wages and other operational costs. However, information on the amount of funding that providers are receiving and the amount they need to substantially increase capacity is sparce.

In Government, Sinn Féin would conduct a review of Core Funding based on data the Department of Children has collected through Core Funding financial reporting, HIVE service profiles and Core Funding applications. This review will examine the efficacy and equitableness of the distribution of Core Funding.

Our five-year expenditure plan makes financial provision for an increase to Core Funding following this review.

Social Enterprise Model:

There are many underused Community Centres across the State, particularly in rural towns and villages that would provide perfect spaces for childcare settings. This would reduce the time needed to establish new facilities by avoiding planning permission and building.

There are a number of existing childcare facilities in shared community hubs in the State – sharing costs such as energy, rent and insurance. These Centres also have existing car-parking and outdoor spaces which are needed for any childcare facility.

Extending benefits for parent to care for babies in their first year

Evidence tells us children do better when they spend their first year of life with a parent. Maternity

Benefit is currently available for just 26 weeks, Paternity Benefit for 2 weeks and Parent’s Benefit for 9 weeks. Sinn Féin would invest an additional approximately €100 million in order to ensure that 52 weeks of leave is covered so that children can be with a parent for the first year of their life. This measure would also serve to relieve some pressure on capacity in the formal childcare sector where staff to child ratios are at their highest for this age group.

€10 A DAY CHILDCARE FOR ALL - Sinn Féin's Childcare Plan

Sinn Féin in government will deliver childcare at €10 a day because we recognise that good quality affordable childcare is essential for families and for the economy. Sinn Féin will lift the burden off hardworking families, many of whom are under pressure. We will make Ireland a better place to raise a family and build a future.