Sinn Féin’s Childcare Plan
Affordable. Essential. Deliverable.

Sinn Féin in government will deliver affordable childcare.
This means giving all parents access to childcare at €10 a day per child.
So, if you have a child who attends childcare full-time, five days a week, you will go from paying €800 per month to paying €200 per month.
This will be done by increasing the subvention to childcare providers and will also apply to childminders, at a cost to the state of €345 million.
€10 a day childcare is available in other countries where governments recognise the benefit of affordable childcare to working families and to the economy.
Denmark, Sweden, Finland and parts of Canada cap the price of childcare for parents.
Sinn Féin in government will deliver childcare at €10 a day because we recognise that good quality affordable childcare is essential for families and for the economy.
Childcare in Ireland has been far too expensive for far too long.
There is also a growing issue with the availability of childcare places. Thousands of our children are on waiting lists for spaces that are not there.
For too long the state has taken a hands-off approach when it comes to the provision of childcare.
In government Sinn Féin will ramp up capacity in the Childcare sector and extend benefits for parents to care for babies in their first year.
Childcare is an essential service and it is time that it was given the investment and priority that it needs.
By delivering childcare at €10 a day per child, Sinn Féin will lift the burden off hardworking families, many of whom are under pressure.
We will make Ireland a better place to raise a family and build a future.
€10 A DAY CHILDCARE FOR ALL - Sinn Féin's Childcare Plan
Sinn Féin in government will deliver childcare at €10 a day because we recognise that good quality affordable childcare is essential for families and for the economy. Sinn Féin will lift the burden off hardworking families, many of whom are under pressure. We will make Ireland a better place to raise a family and build a future.