04. Conclusion
Affordable. Essential. Deliverable.

Childcare is a priority for Sinn Féin and we are committed to delivering affordable childcare for parents as well as significantly increasing capacity within the sector.
For too long, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael have set the bar too low in terms of what parents should expect when it comes to affordable childcare. Irish parents have been left behind, struggling with some of the highest childcare costs in the OECD.
Looking at what has been done in other counties we know this can be done. We also know that investing in childcare is good for the economy, good for parents and good for the educational outcomes of children. What is needed is a government committed to delivering affordable childcare.
Sinn Féin in government will deliver €10 a day childcare for parents whether they prefer to use a crèche or a childminder.
€10 A DAY CHILDCARE FOR ALL - Sinn Féin's Childcare Plan
Sinn Féin in government will deliver childcare at €10 a day because we recognise that good quality affordable childcare is essential for families and for the economy. Sinn Féin will lift the burden off hardworking families, many of whom are under pressure. We will make Ireland a better place to raise a family and build a future.